Huntsman Spider living on/in my car?!?!

On my way home from running errands the largest most horrendously huge spider made its way across my windshield on the outside, crammed itself underneath the little rain guard on the drivers side door and then disappeared from sight. I escaped but am now obsessing over it. It was pretty quick footed and I think it was a huntsman. Are these spiders territorial? Do they choose a space that they live? Is my car it’s new home or will it wonder off eventually? Please tell me what to do! I’m afraid it’s going to crawl through the air vent and get nice and comfy on the inside. I know they’re not dangerous to humans but I have a pretty bad phobia. Even the cute jumping spiders make me shake.

  1. Only one thing to do and that is burn the car and buy a new one. Make sure your new car is spider proof.

  2. It won’t hurt you. It doesn’t want anything to do with you. Just wants somewhere dry to hang out and some roaches or other bugs to feed on. Just let spider bro be and try not to worry.

  3. The next time you see it, you should bow deeply from the waist and say 「感謝の言葉もございません。」

    > I know they’re not dangerous to humans but I have a pretty bad phobia.

    Your phobia may be rooted in a feeling that they are inherently bad. For spiders like the huntsman, it is in fact precisely the opposite, as they are _extremely_ good and beneficial.

    The things they hunt are mostly considered pests. If you also have similar negative reactions/phobias to things like cockroaches, mosquitoes, and flies, then next time you see a huntsman, remember that they hunt these other pest insects that you don’t like while simultaneously doing nothing at all to harm you.

  4. Yeah, they do that.

    Don’t eat or drink anything but water in your car. Moving it on the daily cuts down on bugs.

  5. enjoy the otherwise pest-free car and hope your engine cooks it one day

    (it probably has already moved on)

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