Can I work full-time for a company abroad on a working holiday visa?

So with a working holiday you can only work part-time in Japan (retail, restaurants, physical jobs, etc. mainly) and you can only work about 28 hours a month? My question is, is it still possible for me to work full-time remotely for a company abroad for example? Maybe with a different bank account as well. It is currently possible for me in my home country but will it be possible when I’m in Japan on a WHV?

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Can I work full-time for a company abroad on a working holiday visa?**

    So with a working holiday you can only work part-time in Japan (retail, restaurants, physical jobs, etc. mainly) and you can only work about 28 hours a month? My question is, is it still possible for me to work full-time remotely for a company abroad for example? Maybe with a different bank account as well. It is currently possible for me in my home country but will it be possible when I’m in Japan on a WHV?

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  2. >So with a working holiday you can only work part-time in Japan

    I don’t think that’s true. While the purpose of the visa is to enjoy yourself, and if you write in your plan that you’re planning on working full time they may not grant it to you in the first place; there is no legal restriction on the amount of work you do while here on a working holiday.


    >is it still possible for me to work full-time remotely for a company abroad for example

    Yes, this is also fine while on a working holiday.

  3. > So with a working holiday you can only work part-time in Japan (retail, restaurants, physical jobs, etc. mainly) and you can only work about 28 hours a month?

    Nope, you can work fulltime on a working holiday visa. The 28-hour (per week) restriction is for dependent visas and student visas (since for both the primary goal is not to work). The reason why most people work unskilled jobs on a working holiday visa is that most other companies aren’t going to hire you for just 6-12 months of work.

    > My question is, is it still possible for me to work full-time remotely for a company abroad for example?

    It is, *BUT*, first of all: With you being in Japan you are liable for Japanese taxes. Japan considers all work done in Japan as being taxable. So even if you are being paid in a foreign currency, into a foreign bank account, that income is considered taxable income by the Japanese government. Which raises the issue of possible double taxation. I’m sure people on r/JapanFinance have dealt with similar situation, so I’d suggest looking there for more information. It’s also likely a good idea to consult with a tax professional, someone who is familiar with the Japanese tax system and the tax system in your home country.

    The second caveat to working remotely for a foreign company while on a working holiday visa: You will fall under the Japanese labor system, legally speaking. Which opens up your company to having to comply with Japanese labor laws. Most people that work remotely from Japan (through a working holiday visa, spouse visa or similar) do so as a contractor instead of as employee, since that avoids this issue for the most part.

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