Any ways to stay 5 years in japan ?


25 years old, no high school diploma, no experience that worth something. Can’t return to

school cause I do not support the education system, I think it need a total rework.

Unhappy with the current state of my country. It won’t get better. I like nothing of it. Like zero, I hate the people, I hate the politics, I hate the system. The country side is beautiful. But Am dying a little by little inside, Nothing make me alive here… I get tired of everything and will become a monster if I don’t get a new start. Japan is the only place in this world that worth something to my eyes. It’s really not just about my hobbies. I just like most of it. I see myself having kids there and doing my best to get something done. I see myself following the rules&morals, care to vote, work for this country and care for it. I will buy the products made there and support the locals more than anywhere else. I want to live and die there. Nothing in this forsaken world will make me change my mind. Been years that I want that change, But the way I am make everything difficult.

I want to live there 5 years so I can naturalize and be done with it. I think of 18 months of language school and 1 year of working holiday. But that’s it. I don’t see how I can stay there for enough years.

Solutions ? Others than getting a high school diploma ? It will take me 4-5 years more to get it done. It’s just not a possibility. Getting work experience for 5-10 years isn’t a possibility either. Teaching english isn’t a option, french canadien here.

I could have made a better post and all that bullshit, but am tired of hurting myself over and over, stress and hate, doing even more nothing that make everything worse in the end. I just want a god damn solution for people like me just to live. anyway…. wish you all hapiness in life in those tines.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Any ways to stay 5 years in japan ?**


    25 years old, no high school diploma, no experience that worth something. Can’t return to

    school cause I do not support the education system, I think it need a total rework.

    Unhappy with the current state of my country. It won’t get better. I like nothing of it. Like zero, I hate the people, I hate the politics, I hate the system. The country side is beautiful. But Am dying a little by little inside, Nothing make me alive here… I get tired of everything and will become a monster if I don’t get a new start. Japan is the only place in this world that worth something to my eyes. It’s really not just about my hobbies. I just like most of it. I see myself having kids there and doing my best to get something done. I see myself following the rules&morals, care to vote, work for this country and care for it. I will buy the products made there and support the locals more than anywhere else. I want to live and die there. Nothing in this forsaken world will make me change my mind. Been years that I want that change, But the way I am make everything difficult.

    I want to live there 5 years so I can naturalize and be done with it. I think of 18 months of language school and 1 year of working holiday. But that’s it. I don’t see how I can stay there for enough years.

    Solutions ? Others than getting a high school diploma ? It will take me 4-5 years more to get it done. It’s just not a possibility. Getting work experience for 5-10 years isn’t a possibility either. Teaching english isn’t a option, french canadien here.

    I could have made a better post and all that bullshit, but am tired of hurting myself over and over, stress and hate, doing even more nothing that make everything worse in the end. I just want a god damn solution for people like me just to live. anyway…. wish you all hapiness in life in those tines.

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  2. Just about nothing you can do mate, sorry.

    Working holiday also does not count towards the 5 years. Student visa only counts if it leads into another legal status of residence, so in your case, it will not count.

    Your best bet is to suck it up and get a bachelor’s, here or back home. (I’m also from Quebec, education is super cheap there, make use of that).

  3. Unfortunately, based on what you’ve said your chance of obtaining a visa are nil. You have no degree which is basically the most entry level requirement, nor experience in something valuable to the Japanese economy or workforce so therefore they will see no reason in giving you a visa. That won’t just be for Japan either.

    If we take Japan out of the equation for now, it sounds like you need to work on yourself first, in the country you’re living, before you make the decision to live in another country. You need education, regardless whether you agree with it or not and you need work experience.

  4. >Others than getting a high school diploma ?

    Gonna take more than that. Bachelor’s Degree too.

  5. This has been stressed multiple times but **going to Japan won’t magically solve your problem**.

    Language school can get you 2 years so there’s that. But to work here you’ll need a bachelor’s degree or 10 years relevant work experience.

    Also no such thing as 5 years to naturalize here.

    If you want more options, start from reading the [visa wiki page](

  6. Unless there’s some third-world country where they speak French Canadian, you had more opportunities than most people to prove that you can be a valuable resident that Japan would issue a visa for. Yet you don’t even have a high school diploma let alone work experience. Time to lie in the bed you made, as they say.

  7. Without a bachelor’s degree, yet alone a high school diploma… Unfortunately you don’t have much chance, if not zero. Unless you marry someone but i doubt it, still.

    Maybe just get a therapy and try to be at peace with your country.

  8. >25 years old, no high school diploma, no experience that worth something

    Japan has no use for uneducated inexperienced foreigners, so there are no programs aimed at importing them.


    >Can’t return to school cause I do not support the education system, I think it need a total rework.

    Could you self-study and at least get yourself a GED? [](

    Once you’ve got a GED keep going with a university program, correspondence or otherwise.

    There are plenty of alternative paths to an education that will open doors for you. Don’t forget though, a diploma equivalent to a highschool education is not the end goal. That is not enough to satisfy the education requirement for any status of residence. You’re going to have to keep going through some form of post secondary.


    >I want to live there 5 years so I can naturalize and be done with it.

    It’s not an automatic thing. Not by any stretch. After 5 years you can apply, but you have to be able to demonstrate that you have ties to the country and have been a productive member of society. You can’t just hide in the woods for 5 years, emerge and demand a passport.

  9. >Can’t return to school cause I do not support the education system

    here you dropped [this]( sir.

    but jokes aside, you are living in a dream world im sorry but this was very pathetic and also cringy to read. have you even been to Japan btw? or you just saw videos and animes and decided that its the country of your destiny? wake up buddy if you cant achieve anything in your own country you have absolutely 0 chances here.

    let me teach you smt, Japan is a so called 学歴偏重社会 society. look this up and take notes.

  10. Sorry my guy, even if you managed to marry someone it wouldn’t even result in your ability to stay long terms and your other options wouldn’t help, there are other countries you could try but Japan ain’t one of them

  11. So just out of curiosity, what makes you think only Japan will fix your life? Have you ever been in Japan? ( I’d bet no? ) Is this desire out of watching anime?

    If you havent made any progress in Canada which is a first World country as well as Japan, I doubt you will be able to improve things here, if anything it will be harder.

    Think of it this way, why would Japan need a 25 year old with no education nor skills?

    I do recommend you seeking help, a counselor or psychologist, you are still young, and can get your life back on track, then you can come to Japan.

  12. Since most comments have been pretty candid with you. I wont dabble about how the odds are greatly stacked against with your current lack of qualifications. HOWEVER, since you mentioned working holiday, you have ONE option, the easy route, you come here via WHV, find a local Japanese woman you can marry and that will guarantee you some yearly spousal residency. Whether you both love each other, who knows, might see later a Japan Life post from you complaining about marriage or praising it.

    Back tracking a bit though, I have to ask, can you explain your reasons for saying this?: `Japan is the only place in this world that worth something to my eyes. …I want to live and die there. Nothing in this forsaken world will make me change my mind…`

    You do realize Japan is just another country also having it’s own ups and downs, socially, politically and economically and as others have pointed out, it won’t fix you personal issues. BTW, I am Canadian, while I harbor some reserved sentiments with the way we are currently approaching things on societal scale, my heart will always be True North and strong! It’s still way better than other places I have lived before.

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