Fresh squid sashimi

Caught this in Nova Scotia and ate it raw with some soy, was so buttery and tasty it blew me away.

Fresh squid sashimi
byu/AssKetchum42069 insushi

  1. Makes me sad. We should treat animals with more dignity and empathy even when they are intended to be eaten.

  2. No offense, everyone, but the comments here are such an example of cognitive dissonance. Clearly, the squid was dispatched before food prep (as seen from the color of the squid on the cutting board, please see how to dispatch squid).
    Every time we eat meat, we should be making the conscious decision that we have led to the death of this animal. I hunt and fish for this purpose to bring me closer to my food. If this disgusts you, this is ethically inconsistent as a meat eater and one of the reasons why I respect vegans so much for their moral consistency.

  3. OP, I am jealous! My sashimi I buy are usually frozen from an online fish monger. (Still fantastic, mind you!) I had super fresh sashimi in Japan and I still think of it from time to time.

  4. I appreciate this post. Yes, it’s jarring. But it shows how removed society has come from our origins as hunter-gatherers. Most of us no longer have to kill our own food. In fact, we don’t even have to see our food as animals (it’s a steak, it’s a chicken breast) and we choose to make that distinction from cute cows and chickens. I eat meat. I have seen butchery up close and prepared my own meat. I know what it means and I never forget that this is the face of my gunkan.

    I value having the ability to not take responsibility for death when I eat meat. It’s convenient and comfortable. But I’m not misinformed about the loss of life.

  5. Looks great!
    So much negative comments from those who probably won’t even have the opportunity to eat squid.
    Japanese have a dish called “takowasa,” you might be interested in that. Enjoy the squid !

  6. I love this the pigmentation cells are still reacting to the death and are still contacting to make cool patterns

  7. Wait till yall see the tentacles squirming around. I’m surprised the video didn’t show that

  8. wow… beautiful 😍 so jealous! i love to catch and dress my own fish, its so rewarding and really feeds the soul. i hope you enjoyed 🙂 thank you little squid for feeding this stranger

  9. Damn i love me some squid (calamari especially) but i never knew how cool they look. That is so cool looking with the patterns it can make. (I knew what squids looked like but not like seeing these colors and such). I’ve never had it raw but im sure it was great

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