Best novels for starting to read novels?

Which books would you suggest to someone only just beginning to read novels in Japanese? (I have read short stories and manga, but would like to move on to something a bit more challenging)

  1. Follow your taste, or maybe read the novel version of a manga you read (if it exists). or might be helpful in narrowing down some choices.

    Personally, [不登校の幼馴染が学校に行く条件は、毎日俺とキスすることだった]( was the first light novel I managed to finish. Besides that I had to look things up constantly (small vocabulary), I think it’s pretty accessible.

    Something like [魔女の宅急便]( (Kiki’s Delivery Service) might be a good choice.

    Otoh, I’ve read a bit of Sword Art Online LNs. Those are quite a bit harder. Not impossible, but definitely a challenge for me, ymmv.

  2. What worked for me were this series – 10歳までに読みたい世界名作

    These are simplified versions of famous books like Wizard of Oz, Sherlock Holmes and so on, so you already know how the plot goes. This books have images – helpful for understanding. They also have furigana and not too many kanjis.

    I use a Kobo Reader (with KOReader) and because it’s so easy to use, I need not more than 10-15 minutes for one chapter. And I am not very good at Japanese.


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