What Trade School Job Would Be Good for a Long Term Stay Visa In Japan?

I know this may not be the best sub to ask this, but what job that you could learn at a trade school would be good to cause the least amount of trouble with Immigration letting me through? I am aware of the reputation of the SSW visa, but I am crazy enough to do it no matter what. Yes, I am that insane and no, I do not want the English teacher route or anything white collar because I like using my hands more.


Also, I have heard that you would need to start over for maybe welding and have to go through an internship or something. Is this true?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **What Trade School Job Would Be Good for a Long Term Stay Visa In Japan?**

    I know this may not be the best sub to ask this, but what job that you could learn at a trade school would be good to cause the least amount of trouble with Immigration letting me through? I am aware of the reputation of the SSW visa, but I am crazy enough to do it no matter what. Yes, I am that insane and no, I do not want the English teacher route or anything white collar because I like using my hands more.


    Also, I have heard that you would need to start over for maybe welding and have to go through an internship or something. Is this true?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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  2. SSW is limited to 5 years stay, if you want to stay long term, it’s bachelors degree. You don’t have to teach English but the bachelors degree is the government requirement for a work visa outside of SSW.

    You can also always just come as a student, which has much, much lower entry requirements.

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