Shadowing Japanese shows/anime

If you’re watching an anime or a show in Japanese, what’s your shadowing routine? Do you shadow every line of the show? How many times do you repeat a line?

  1. for me, every time there is a new word that i don’t know i paused the show and look for the word(s) in the dictionary or google translate, i don’t shadow every line and almost never repeat the line because it will repeated by the speaker few time later with different context, i’m watching Nakata University by the way.

  2. I don’t think I’ve ever shadowed a line while watching an anime, but if you use Migaku you can take a line and audio from what your watching and during your anki review you can shadow it that way. I think it would be very inefficient to shadow every line you came across in a show, mostly if it’s multiple times per show.

  3. I kind of take the same approach my toddler takes… I shadow lines that I can make out entirely and that I understand and seem like something I can say.

    So it can be at random, and sometimes it’s just a reflex. 😂

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