Why does Oakhouse need an emergency contact?

Is it normal that you need to specify an emergency contact when renting an apartment in Japan? Oakhouse specifically needs a family member. Do all services where you can rent apartments require this? Or is it because I’m not Japanese? If all services require this, are there alternatives to Oakhouse that don’t need the emergency contact to be a parent but them being a friend is ok too?

What do I do if I’m simply not in contact with any family member and I just can’t specify one?

Is this something required by law? I don’t get it.

  1. My emergency contact is not family but a Japanese friend (they wouldn’t accept a foreigner friend even if they speak Japanese)

  2. Yes, it is normal. I am Japanese and I am constantly requested to it.

    It is needed as a contact person in case, for example, you suddenly die in an accident, or your building is destroyed by fire but you cannot be reached.

  3. I have my local friend registered as contact, since most of my family members living in other countries, this seems to be a standard practice.

  4. My current management company also required a family member as emergency contact… I told them there wouldn’t be much use in jotting down the phone number of my mother in Germany as she’s neither in the same time zone nor does she speak English, let alone Japanese, but hey, they don’t care, so that’s my “emergency contact” lol

  5. Welcome. In Japan everything and everyone asks for an emergency contact.

    Mine is always a friend from my country.

  6. Common for just about anything. Nothing to worry about. Everyone needs to have an emergency contact for everything, everywhere. Find a friend who can use for these situations. Make sure you write (“not a guarantor”, just in case.

  7. Actually why don’t you ask them? Wouldn’t it be better to hear from the company itself?

  8. My hospital required a backup emergency contact. Since the first one is my wife and she might be hit by a meteor that I am also hit by.

    I think?

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