Visa change from spouse visa to student visa

Currently my Visa status is Spouse or Child of Japanese National. I want to change my visa status into student visa. In that case can I still be a dependent on my husband and have the facilities which I am having now. For example my husband gets extra money from his office for me because I am his dependent and tax deduction also.

Edit: the reason I want to change my visa status is because I want to apply for scholarship programs and for that purpose I must have a student visa.
Visa statuses other than student visa are not allowed.

  1. >Currently my Visa status is Spouse or Child of Japanese National. I want to change my visa status into student visa.

    Why? You can engage in pretty much all types of work and studies on your current spouse visa. So, There is no need to change.

    I guess unless you’re moving away from your current household for studies? (As you do kinda need to be living with your husband for the spouse visa… but immigration do make exceptions for work/study at the other end of the country etc)

  2. nothing change because you are still the spouse, immigration/resident status and taxes/insurance are separate. husband can continue enjoy taxes rebates etc.

    question will be why change status? spouse resident status is the next best thing to PR, no restriction. why go for lesser status, unless there is problem with marriage.

  3. Why? This doesn’t make any sense.

    You need to provide more detail on why you think you need to do this.

  4. If this is for scholarship reasons why not apply for scholarships that actually apply to you rather than kind of shooting your self in the foot long term by switching to a lesser visa. This affects PR too. If the scholarships you want are aimed at foreign students on student visas and not for average citizens and residents why not leave those for the actual international students. Surely there’s programs you can apply to that don’t require you to be an international student on a visa.

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