Will mercari give me a refund?…

I made a very stupid mistake
I saw a mercari deal with the item i want sold at a very cheap price, so i hurried and bought it. I didnt know a lick of Japanese and forgot to check the description (big mistake) and later realized that the seller want people to comment and negotiate the price before buying, and buying directly will be canceled
What is the most likely situation that could occurs? Will the seller cancel the order and the money be refunded to me? if so then would it take long for me to get the money?
If the seller decide that it was my mistake for being stupid and not read the description and scam me and not send the goods/refund the money/send an empty package instead of the goods, will i lose the money?
My friend that bought the good for me said that mercari policy stated that i will be refunded if the items r not sent within 2 weeks but i asked another person that said it is still possible to be scammed and not get any refund.
Any need is greatly appreciated, the deal was 10 000 yen so i am panicking and i hate myself for making such a rash mistake that might cost a lot of my money.

  1. Either way you’ll get the item or the money, don’t worry. Even Japanese speakers can’t be expected to always read item descriptions.

  2. I’d say it’s most likely they will just cancel it and block you. They could send the item anyway. Scamming you by sending an empty box is extremely unlikely.

  3. A seller requesting a buyer comment before purchasing an item isn’t an official Mercari rule and is not an acceptable reason for a seller to request a cancellation.

    In fact, such an act is actually counter to the Mercari rules. If the seller initiates the cancellation process you’ll receive a request which you can refuse, and the case will then be escalated to support who will tell the seller that they are required to send you the item and that a strike has also been placed against their account.

    Also – in the event that the seller is unable to send you the item, then you will receive a refund and the seller will receive a strike against their account.

  4. Don’t worry. The seller is in the wrong. If it’s at a given low price just to catch attention of potential buyers, it’s the seller’s fault and against the rules of Mercari.

    If he initiates the cancellation process, you’ll be refunded. Otherwise, the seller will send you the item.

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