I haven’t finished paying my resident tax for 2023. Will immigration care?

My residence tax was split into four different payments. The final one isn’t due till January 31 and I’m paid up otherwise. Is that going to be a problem? My visa expires in January, so to be safe, my company wants me to get my tax documents and get over to immigration ASAP.

  1. That’s just the normal schedule for tax payments. Make sure you’re all set with the payments before you apply for an extension and you’re good.

  2. You just need to be caught up at the time of application. For example if you submit your application on 01/30, it doesn’t matter that you haven’t paid the one due on the 01/31 yet.

    I know at least for PR they really care about late payments but I’m not so sure when it comes to regular visa renewals.

  3. This stuff is paid through my company, not directly by me, so I’m not sure if our situations are the same, but I was able to request a certificate at the local city hall showing all the taxes were covered, even though I had one payment left when I was going for my visa renewal.

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