Permanent Residency Question

How do I go about getting permanent residency. I am on a spousal visa, and this is my third time. I just returned back to Japan, and I know about the 1 year requirement, which will be in December. My current visa is good until 2025, but I want to know if I can apply for PR right at 1 year? TIA

  1. I applied at 1 year and 2 weeks, they accepted my application and I’m waiting for the results at this point. It’s only been a month so far tho.

  2. I applied at 1 year and 1 week in May, and my application is tumbling through the system. My friend applied a month earlier in April, at the 50 weeks mark (his rationale was it’ll take time to get through the system). He recently contacted them and they said they’re on track to process him like March or so?

    You can go the scrivener route, but I had [FRESC]( review my application for me.

    Anecdotally, other posts on this sub have mentioned 10-14 month processing times, assuming you’re in Kanto.

  3. You can apply but everything is going to depend on your spouse’s finances. If your spouse makes enough to afford you as a pet and has no other outstanding debts or legal issues, they will approve it.

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