How hentai influence the Japanese economy

Is it something that helps the country’s economy in some way?

  1. Any product or service sold in a country benefits its economy.

    Taxes collected.

    Cash flow from consumer to producer who in turn spends that cash on other things like employee salary

  2. Sex industries are pretty huge… I’d say it’s a small but well known slice of that

  3. Hentai makes people look for information for research purposes. Research attracts foreign investment, foreign investment brings in foreign currency, this makes economy grow. If economy grows, then banks will give credits more easily, if credits are given more easily, then new businesses will be created, if new businesses are created, people will have more money through salaries and the yen will increase in value. If people have more money, they will buy more hentai, if hentai is in big demand then there will be inflation of hentai/hentai bubble. Then consuming hentai will be so expensive that it will impoverish the population. If people don’t have money left to spend after buying hentai, then business will start closing. If business close, then the economy will tank and the yen will lose value against foreign currency and less hentai will be produced, thus making the little hentai remaining in circulation appreciate and become a commodity.

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