Getting arubaito monthly salary to 2 bank accounts

I recently moved to Japan. I’ve a student visa and here for a masters degree. So I am only allowed to work 28 hours per week. I have only 1 bank account at the moment. I have heard from some people that they have 2 bank accounts and they are getting their arubaito salary to these 2 bank accounts. So basically what they mean is that they are doing multiple arubaito jobs. And they are basically working more than 28 hours per week and getting their multiple salaries into these 2 bank accounts separately. So when they apply to renew their visa, they will only provide 1 bank account statement for the immigration. I have heard that when you already applied for My Number card that these transactions with multiple bank accounts can be tracked. Is it true ? Is it going to become a problem when you apply to renew for visa (working visa) when you have 2 bank accounts ?

1 comment
  1. You get a MyNumber by default even without applying for the card, so that aspect does not matter. As for having 2 bank accounts, that does not change anything. No living human is monitoring your transactions (especially as the amount of money is likely to be relatively low) and fraud is usually detected by algorithms and various money-laundering/fraud alerts that banks and their regulators have internally. Unless there is an insider on this forum, you are unlikely to get a definitive answer, but regardless you are breaking the law. Most people that willingly go over the 28h rule with two part-time jobs simply opt to receive cash in hand for the second job.
    PS: There are other factors at play in your situation. For instance, bank statements are required only for a limited amount of nationalities to be presented upon visa renewal, and that is usually only to prove that you received remittances from your financial guarantor. Another important thing to consider is that the 28 hour limit is not made by evil people to stop you from making money, but also with consideration for you to have time to study (attendance IS an important metric in student visa renewal and it is easy to start missing classes when you work too much).
    Personally, I do not judge and fully understand that your life circumstances might require you to work more. Anecdotally, plenty of people do and are never caught, but you sure will feel terrible if you end up being that unlucky person that will get caught. Take care!

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