Shinkansen Smart-EX Round Trip

For the love of god i’ve l been trying to book a round trip but can’t. Anyone know how to do it? I’m actually baffled, it’s only letting me book one way trips. I tried both the app and website and tried to google it.

  1. You’re not alone. I have no idea how to do it but whenever I use the Shinkansen website I damage something in my house out of rage and frustration.

  2. You’re supposed to buy one way tickets. That’s how EX works, since you’re allowed to change / cancel all the way until 5 minutes before departure.

    There are some deals that have round trip tickets, but those are limited in nature.

  3. Where are you going? It’s only the JR West part of the line that’s eligible for round trip discounts (between Osaka and Hakata) so anything that doesn’t include that won’t.

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