Ultra-retro cafe in Tokyo is like a hidden hideout, serves up cheap breakfasts with great coffee

Ultra-retro cafe in Tokyo is like a hidden hideout, serves up cheap breakfasts with great coffee


  1. Is there anything above Ultra-retro? Just asking. Also, how does one get into the Ultra of retro? “Yo, this cafe isn’t retro man, it’s Ultra-retro!” How did we get here?

  2. I’m pretty sure there are thousands of Showa style cafes in Tokyo. There’s at least 3 within walking distance of my home, and probably a ton more.

  3. Person goes to old fashioned run down kissaten in Tokyo and drinks coffee and eats simple food. Person thinks that the kissaten is good value, and finds the run down aspect charming. Different person writes about experience on website using more adjectives than a high school English essay.

  4. What a bunch jaded gaijin in these comments. I think the cafe looks cool. Pinned it on my map and looking forward to check it out!

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