Ibaraki regains ignominious crown as least attractive prefecture for the 12th time

Ibaraki regains ignominious crown as least attractive prefecture for the 12th time


  1. Such a travesty… the Ushiku Daibutsu should bring people to Ibaraki in droves… =P

    (for the record, I visited the Ushiku Daibutsu, I thought it was very cool)

  2. I think Ibaraki gets a bad rep because a lot of the stereotypical “Chinpira” and “gyaru” types into Kanto come from there.

  3. …lived in ibaraki for my 13 years here and i cannot see where the reputation comes from. Fukuroda falls, Mt. Tsukuba, renewal of some of the older smaller towns, the list goes on.

    Although, i’m sure people living in any of the “negatively” ranked prefectures have their own fair share of arguments against.

  4. Tbf I always thought being bottom of this list has some kudos attached to it, being second from bottom is much worse I would argue.

  5. There’s nothing especially bad about Ibaraki, t’s just that it is the nearest averagely-shit prefecture to the Tokyo area… if Ibaraki was in West Japan then it wouldn’t be bottom.

    It’s just that Tokyoites associate it with Yankeedom because it is within bosozoku range and they can come in to do shopping

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