Applying for Chinese visa from Japan while name is registered as katakana/English

This is a long shot to ask here but…
I’m trying to get a visa into China as a spouse of a Chinese citizen. The problem is that we need to prove we’re married, so we got the proof of marriage document. But my name is written in katakana there, while my Irish passport name is English. My zairyu card is English and my Health Insurance is katakana. I have proof that BOTH names are mine, but the Chinese visa application area insists that the marriage document must have my name in English. We called the Japanese gov building and they said it’s not able to change because we registered our marriage in Katakana. (We were specifically told to at the time).

Is there ANY way around this? It’s like Japanese side is telling us we can’t change the document to English, and Chinese side is saying we can’t apply unless it is English…

Any help would be appreciated!

Edit: Solved by taking no for an answer – the documents Staff X said were necessary was solved by higher-up Staff Y saying they’re not. It do be that easy sometimes…

  1. ~~What about on your wife’s koseki? Is that also in katakana?~~

    Edit: As pointed out in a reply, the wife is obviously not Japanese.

  2. Did you register your marriage in Ireland? Getting some documentation from there might work

    I’m also kind of surprised, did Japan really allow you to register your marriage without it showing your name in latin letters? The name on your passport (and on your zairyu card) should match exactly what you wrote on your konintodoke, at least. You can get a copy of that from the city office if you ask (at least I was able to)

  3. I’m just talking out of my ass here, but would it be possible for you to re-register your name in the Japanese marriage registry in English and then re-issue the marriage certificate? I assume there is a process for people to do that if they change their name/get naturalized/whatever reason.

    Just a random thought I had, good luck!

  4. Maybe you can try to get a 婚姻記載事項証明書 (kon’in kisai jiko shomeisho). All documents provided when registering your marriage will show up in the copy, including the kon’in todoke (with your name in katakana) and the copy of your passport (with your English name).

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