Those with US🇺🇸 permanent addresses, what address do you use?

Hello there fellow Americans! So, to maintain various things like American drivers license, bank, credit cards, and various other important things, you need an American permanent address. Up until now, I’ve used my childhood home address so all is fine and good. However, my parents moved out of state and plan to sell my childhood home. Nobody knows when they will sell it, but if I’m in Japan at that time I’ll need to change my address on everything.

So, what do you do to have an American address? Use your parents’ house? Another family member? PO Box? Something else? Does anyone have any ideas about if changing my address to an out of state one will cause problems? Thanks in advance!

  1. I use a virtual mailbox for mailing address and my house I rent out as a physical address of any bank complains.

    Otherwise, I have family or friends who would probably let me though I’m not sure there’s a risk to them.

  2. You can change your mailing address to out of state with little to no issue. USPS has a service you can signup for that does a mass address change. But it is always wise to follow up with each of your accounts and manually change them.

    At some point your DL will expire and you will need to make a choice as you typically need residency. USPS has a service you can signup for that does a mass address change. Unfortunately for expats, we kind have to skirt the rules a bit as they aren’t made for the realities of living abroad.

    The main issue with moving your address is state tax residency. Some states deem tax residency immutable until you move to another state and changing your US perm address and a new DL can be enough to trigger state tax residency.

    I’ve moved my address to a different state under a family member’s address when I sold my home before I moved abroad once before, and kept my original DL with no issues. When I returned to the US I moved to a completely different state. I continued to pay state tax in state #1 when I moved abroad and then state #3 when I moved back. Now that I’m in Japan I pay state tax to #3 and #4 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm).

  3. I use a service called [iPostal1]( these days. They have affiliates all over the US so you can pick a postal address from a variety of cities. I also keep a US Skype number for the same city so that people in the US can call me without having to make an international phone call.

  4. We have one via

    It works well for everything so far; and the embassy provides a notary for the required paperwork to have them send your USPS mail to you.

  5. I got a box at the UPS store. Once a month they mail me my US mail. Costs about US$60-80 and they remove (most of) the junk mail.

  6. I used to use MailLinkPlus out of Las Vegas, but they doubled their rates a while back AND for some reason (“TERRORIZM!”), Wells Fargo suddenly had a problem with me using a PMB… so I let BOTH of them go.

  7. Yes, I had to solve this when all my family members had the nerve to start dying off.

    I have a virtual mailbox that looks like a street address. Have used it for decades. I use it for EVERYTHING. There are many services but mine is called USABox.

  8. I use my mother’s address for bank account. I just need to be able to get mail there. I don’t have anything else in the US that requires an address.

  9. Every bank, credit card company, or brokerage I have in the US has an old address that hasn’t been valid in years. 🤷‍♂️

    My drivers license is registered with a friend’s address 😁

  10. Own a house that I visit periodically. Not sure how long that’s tenable …. but maybe all the way till retirement.

  11. I use my MIL’s address; because of all of the parents, she moves the least often.

    Dang nomads 🙂

  12. Same thing happened to me. I kept my permanent address as my childhood home for voting for a few years. Probably a gray area legally. I never lied, I just never updated my voter registration. I eventually changed my legal address to my parents new address. In their state all I needed for proof of residency for a driver’s license was a bank statement with that address listed and a piece of mail addressed to myself

  13. I use my dad’s address. I think any address is fine tbh and USPS let’s you change addresses easily online, including out of state.

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