Cat wall mounts

Hello folks, I’m moving to Japan next week and have two cats. Here in Germany I have wall mounts for them and they love it. I heard that Japanese walls are normally thin and I’m not sure that I can take the wall mounts with us.

Is it possible to have this kind of furniture in the walls of Japanese home/apartments and do they support the weight of cats jumping on it??

This is how it looks like

  1. The short answer here is, unfortunately: No. You’re almost certainly *not* going to be able to install anything like that.

    The issue is not “will the walls support it?”, it’s the fact that almost every apartment you’re likely to find is going to have a clause in the lease forbidding you from drilling holes in the walls. Even a pet-friendly apartment is almost certainly not going to allow it.

    It’s *theoretically* possible that you’ll find an apartment that will allow it, but you’re already apartment hunting on super hard mode as a foreigner with *multiple* cats. Trying to find an apartment that will accept multiple cats ***and*** allow you to hang stuff on the walls will be nearly impossible.

  2. You’ll need to buy your own apartment or house.

    Otherwise, there are pet shops here that sell things like that that will be compatible with rented apartments’ strict requirements.

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