Getting married, and we need a witness

Hello, everyone.

My partner and I will be getting married in Tokyo this January (It’s a gay wedding, so it’s at an embassy), and we are in need of a witness. I live in Aichi, but my partner is from a different country. My only acquaintances here are my brother and my sister, but unfortunately my sister won’t be able to attend the ceremony. We need two witnesses, so that leaves one spot open.

We’re at a bit of a loss about where to find a witness. Particularly because one of the requirements is that they need to be able to speak English. If anyone has suggestions or might be willing to volunteer, we’d be incredibly grateful. As a token of our gratitude, we’d be happy to offer a bottle of wine.

  1. Once for a notary at the US embassy/tokyo, I just asked someone else who was there for similar services–and I witnessed for someone else, too.

    Marriage might be the same? –I guess you’d have to count on it being busy enough so there’d be others there to ask.

  2. Witnesses don’t even need to be present, they just have to sign the papers (at least it was so 20 years ago).

  3. When in Jan? If you’re in need of someone, hmu – I’m in Tokyo and can get just about anywhere at pretty short notice

  4. I am also located in Aichi, if the embassy is in Nagoya and you need a witness DM me as the others have said. Congrats on the wedding. I speak english and I like wine :).

  5. Congratulations, how exciting.
    My husband and I needed a witness for our wedding a few years back and some random french/egyptian couple stood in and watched our tiny ceremony. I’d be happy to pay it forward and witness your wedding if you need it. (I’m australian if that matters)

  6. if you can share the exact day then see my availability. If I’m free on that day I could go to Tokyo and volunteer to be your witness. Congratulations on your wedding!

  7. Another volunteer here! I love weddings (and fully understand this would be more like a registry office signing than a cake-and-bridesmaids party). Of course, you now have enough potential witnesses for the biggest Embassy wedding ever!

  8. Well, OP, looks like your wedding will be bigger than you’ll think 😌

    Congratulations on the wedding 🎉

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