Shopping! Right to Return?

Hi All,

I recently bought something and then on the same day found it cheaper elsewhere. As I didn’t receive any help/advice in the shop & bought a bunch of other things, I have no qualms in seeking a return.

Question: based on some googling, I understand that the right to return is a bit different in Japan. If I haven’t used the item, or opened it & have the original receipt, can I expect a refund? Or is this at the liberty of the shop.

If not allowed, I’ll chalk this one down to experience, but if I can get a refund – I’d like to try.

  1. In my experience, they’ll ask for a reason–there isn’t any no-questions-asked returns like the US, and they may want to replace it if it is defective/broken/etc (and my sis in retail tells stories about women ‘buying’ a dress, using for a dinner out, and then just returning it).

    Personally, since it’s just that you weren’t a smart shopper and there’s not problem with the product, chalk it up to experience.

  2. One time I bought something by mistake at Yodobashi camera , and I returned next day . They ask why and I said i didn’t need it . 😂

  3. I haven’t had any problems returning anything just because I don’t take ‘no’ for an answer .. but usually it’s easy …

    tell the shop it was a present but you found something else …

    should be fine

  4. I had a bizarre experience in Yodobashi Camera, bought 2 items one was ok no issue but the other was a expensive cable which i pick wrongly the connectors, well I thought I didn’t opened the package and I have the receipt let’s go to the shop to change it.
    Fuck my life, in order to change the item they asked for the other item in the receipt which I needed and opened, to cancel the purchase and do the change, there was no reasoning with the cleck unless I bring back the other item unopened they cannot change the cable.
    So no they didn’t change it because the other thing was unopened and I was saying ok dont care if its opened i return it and buy back again, no sir not possible.

  5. I‘ve returned something in the past, but they were not happy about it. The nice customer service flipped lol the lady was almost pissed oh well

  6. You can try, but refunds because you just don’t like something or bought the wrong thing are kind of rare in Japan.

  7. Japan does not have a right to return policy that I am aware of. I have returned things, but had to say they were broken or some otherwise insufficient. Straight buyers remorse does not appear to be a thing.

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