From Intermediate to Business proficiency in Japanese while not living in Japan

**Goal**: Move back to Japan in 3/4 years and work there. I am a Product Manager in tech and would love to continue doing that.

**Question**: How do I reach business proficiency (which for me means 1) Passing the N1, 2) Being confident that I can work in Japanese without big problems)? Would love to hear success stories, material that you leveraged, and anything useful in your opinion. See below from my starting point.

**Context**: I lived two years in Japan (as a graduate student) a while back, I went there knowing zero Japanese and learned quite a bit – I could have normal conversations with native and was prepping for N2. Now it’s been 6 years that I left Japan, and I have been pretty inconsistent with the studies – but never stopped completely. I started taking Japanese classes again after a relocation and I am in an N2 class, and I feel this is a right difficulty for me. I sometimes don’t remember “easy” kanji and I feel I am not as fluent in speaking as I was 6 years ago, but I think it is a matter of catching up again and be consistent.

Edited with more details given qs received.

  1. What kind of work? All in Japanese? Written proposals and presentations to clients or speaking only?

  2. I have the same issue and I am currently reviewing from N5.

    I would say N1 doesn’t say anything about business proficiency.

    if you want actual business proficiency, N2 + BJT should be the goal.

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