Japan vulnerable to energy shocks, as 95% of its oil is from Middle East

Japan vulnerable to energy shocks, as 95% of its oil is from Middle East


  1. We need to keep Investing in renewables asap. Stop relying on oil so much. Toyota isn’t helping, but at least Japan generated more solar than ever this year.

    Turn those nuclear plants back on. Build more wind and put solar on every roof top. No more fossil fueled energy.

    Then you get rid of combustion engines and voila, no more relaince on oil.

    I want to believe that’s where we’re heading.

  2. In the article :
    *Crude oil prices quadrupled over three months following OPEC’s decisions, causing commodity prices in Japan to spiral. Even items that were unrelated to oil were affected.*
    Dumb journalist. No item is unrelated to oil.

  3. Everyone should get a solar panel + battery system installed asap. We got one this summer, and it’s been great. Even considering the loan repayment of roughly 22k per month, we actually got pretty much into net positive on the get-go. And there’s also the subsidies etc. which makes it a no-brainer investment really, especially if you have a new house.

    We also have all denka, so no gas payments either. Can’t really recommend it enough. Just be careful of scams, and get a system that is large enough. Ours specs are 6.5 kWh at peak (in reality closer to 5.5 due to facing slightly northeast), but on good summer days we get over 300% of our own consumption produced even with watching tv, operating water-boiler, washing laundry and dishes etc. And around 5 – 10k of monthly revenue for electricity sales is a nice bonus.

    It gets a bit complicated if your house is over 10 years old due to the roof needing some pre-emptive repair beforehand, but that’s something you’ll probably need to consider anyways for an older house, so it doesn’t make a big difference in the end.

    All in all, independence from fossil fuels should be everyone’s priority, and going solar is a step in the right direction.

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