author/title of Japanese short story forgotten

Hi, so a while ago I stumbled upon a short story by a female Japanese writer and unfortunately I forgot her name and the name of the short story. I am pretty sure that she is a living writer. If anybody can help me out that would be awesome. I only vaguely remember it, but I’ll try to decribe what I remember of the content: The main character is a woman who is about the get married to a man, however the man she’s supposed to marry never actually makes an appearnace in the story. Only her thoughts about him are written about. She goes for a walk somewhere in a non-urban environment, somewhere in nature, there’s a hill I think. I think it’s either foggy or raining while she goes for the walk. Then I think a dog runs up to her and soon after the owner of the dog follows – a man, middle aged or a bit older, who starts talking to her. When talking to her she is a little uncomfortable, because he is very direct in what he says. I believe he tells her about some childhood memories of his. One of them is when he went swimming with his school class or something and he couldn’t swim well and almost drowned..? At some point the two of them get to school building and through the windows of the school they see the school cafeteria or the kitchen and talk about memories of school lunch I think. I remember that the school windows are described as foggy due to the weather. The whole story has a somwhat foreboding atmosphere. Back then someone told me that the stories of the man can be interpeted to represent the woman’s fear of getting married.

If anybody knows who the author is I’m talking about I’d be so thankful!

1 comment
  1. (Jp)夕暮れの給食室と雨とプール by 小川洋子
    (En)The Cafeteria in the Evening and a Pool in the Rain by Yoko Ogawa

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