Accommodation Dilemma


Let me explain my current situation.

I’ve made the decision to leave my current workplace due to various issues, and I have a new job lined up for November. However, due to a misunderstanding with HR, my start date for the new job is on the 30th of November.
As a result, I’ve submitted my resignation letter, and my last day at my current job will be the 31st of October.
This leaves me without any accommodation for the entire month of November, and I’m unable to afford a hotel for that duration.

I’m wondering if it’s possible to work at a guest house in exchange for a place to stay, rather than monetary compensation. Is this arrangement even feasible?

I’ve already reached out to HR at my new job and am currently awaiting a response. I’m feeling quite lost, so any guidance or advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for reading and understanding my situation.


I received an email from the job I signed a contract with in Nagano, stating that I can’t move in until November 30th.

My current job only allows me to stay until November 3rd.
I’m frustrated because the error in the start date was on HR’s part, not mine.

I don’t have a phone number or anything else that might help me in this situation.

Should I stay at an internet cafe temporarily or explore job options at ryokans or hotels? I need advice on how to handle this situation.

I’ve been told not to depend on jobs for housing, but I’m only 19. Despite having experience, finding a high-paying job is quite difficult, when I don’t have a degree lmao.

  1. If these guesthouses know anything about labor laws they won’t let you live-in in exchange for accommodation. I’m quite sure your HR will figure something out for you but in the off chance that they don’t you might need to hunker down at a Internet cafe

  2. If you’re not going to be working during the period without accommodation, you could look into WWOOFing. I’ve known people who’ve done it here, and a quick google search just now revealed a domestic Japanese association.

  3. I did wwoof as other comment say for a full month in niseko, was cool but also very exhausting (family hotel). Waking up around 5-6 am , help until late 10 pm. My day off they did bbq, gave me electric bicycle, climb mountain or kayaking .

  4. You didn’t mention what city you are in and it sounds like price is up there in importance. I searched Airbnb for you in Tokyo and found [this]( for Â¥ 54,760 for the dates you mentioned.

    Private room with shared facilities. Looks clean.

    Anyway, have a play with that.

  5. Have you looked into leopalace21? I believe they do short term 1 month option but I’m not sure whether they are cheaper than an hotel

  6. I wouldn’t go for any job that controls your housing, to be honest. I don’t want to stress about moving each time I change jobs.

  7. I’m not sure if you can pull this off as a foreigner but my friend’s daughter got a holiday job at a ryokan in Oku-Nikko. She got (rather spartan) meals, an (extremely run-down) room and a (very shitty) wage.

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