I have a bit of a complicated situation and need some insights.
I graduated this September and just a couple of days before the graduation got a job in the hotel. They pay around 230 000 yen a month (which increases to 290 000 in six months) but I honestly hate the job. I have worked for 2 weeks and already hate it.
This wednesday I have an interview with another company. Nothing is clear now but there is a chance I might get the job. However, I don’t know the timeline of onboarding or generally when they will do the visa stuff.
The hotel already prepared visa change documents and I got my new address. But now I am confused about whether I should apply for a work visa asap or wait for the second company to make a decision. My two biggest concerns:
1. If I apply for a visa and during the interview tell them that the hotel sponsored my visa but I don’t want to work with them anymore, they will get suspicious and reject me.
2. If I wait for their decision, I am afraid of getting deported for overstaying (I believe my student visa is not valid anymore and I need to either leave Japan or change a visa within 3 months). But being in this state of limbo is making me extremely anxious. I also understand that I can’t work in a hotel for long and need to get another job asap so I don’t want to lose this chance either.