How about some Final Fantasy? Here are few screenshots to practice reading on.

I was still reading Genki II when I first tried this, like 2 years ago.

I saved a few screenshots. I remember some of these seemed unbelievably hard. Specifically, the narrator and the pirate were hard for me.

Well, good luck and/or have fun with these.

  1. Do you know of any way to play it with both English and Japanese on screen simultaneously? I feel that could be a great way to check. Unless the translation is awful, then it might not be useful at all.

  2. Funnily enough, back in the day, _Final Fantasy_ was how I, a native English speaker, learned a lot of big words as a kid.

    I have plans to get to _Final Fantasy_ in Japanese eventually. I’m currently playing through _Dragon Quest II_ in Japanese. There was definitely satisfaction in understanding that the >!Evil Clowns who wanted to turn the party into frogs!< in the censored _Dragon Warrior II_ localization were really >!じごくのつかい (Messengers of Hell) who wanted to sacrifice them to evil gods.!<

  3. For anyone interested in some Final Fantasy or video games in general :

    * Here’s a [spreadsheet]( I made with more than a hundred script for jrpg with japanese, english, sometimes both side by side.
    * Here’s a [folder]( with anki decks for games, or scripts in pdf, like the beginning of FF7.
    * If you to play the older FF, or games from the same era, keep in mind they are written in kana only. Gameplay, nostalgy and so on put aside, consider any remake / remaster as they will offer kanji and much easier text to read due to better definition. For FF, the pixel remasters are really solid.

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