Post-Japan Sushi Depression

Just got back from Japan today. The freshness and quality of their sushi is just indescribable. I indulged in some form of sushi everyday, and it just made me so happy. Plus the USD is so strong that you can really eat like a king.

It’s 4 am and my sleep schedule is off. I’m seeing your posts and got depressed.

So here are photos of a few of my meals. Wish I had more, but most of the time I ate everything before remembering to take a picture.

Until next time *sigh* 💔

  1. It all looks Good, I want Meal #2 with the Egg in the upper left corner. until next time huh?

  2. Looking good but let’s not kid ourselves, not all sushi in Japan is great. They invented the art and have some awesome establishments with world class sushi. But some of it can also be pretty skunky.

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