Stupid question about parking garage/machine

Leaving the mall parking garage, the gate stayed open after the car in front of us left and it wouldn’t take my ticket on the way out. I panicked a little and just left since there was somebody behind me; I paid at the machine inside the mall and still have the ticket with me. I figure I should have just stayed there to figure it out but too late now.

Should I be worried? Do I just hold onto the ticket in case something happens? Don’t know if it’s semi-normal for this to happen. The gate closed right behind us for the next car.

Only reason why I’m worried is cause I’ve used the parking machines that take pictures of your license plate; I don’t know if anything like that is in place for this one (I would assume no but I don’t know).

  1. So if this machine was one of those that took a picture of your license plate and you paid inside by selecting your license plate and the picture of your car, then when you are leaving it will recognize your car and open up.

  2. One of the malls near my old place would recognise your car automatically at the exit. I think it attached your license plate info to the entrance ticket, so if you prepaid at the machine in the garage it would recognize your car and let you out. If you didn’t then you had to use the ticket to pay at the gate. Kind of a step between the normal machines and the paperless ones.

  3. Either way it was wasn’t your fault .. I went through once and the gate stayed opened.. person in the car in back of me laughed and went through.

    It’s not a big deal

  4. New machines scan your license plate as you enter and scan it again when you leave without taking your ticket. If you paid your ticket fee you’re good.

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