Realistically how much raise in % to expect with a new contract job?

Recently managed to get a year long independent contract. Haven’t finalised the details yet. However I have I have told them the current salary and the hourly overtime rate. How much raise is normal for a 7 year experience(3 years in Japan ).

Field: product design, industrial design
Location current: shizuoka. New location Aichi.
Current salary is @ 5.5mil annually.
With an hourly overtime.

  1. Anywhere between -1000% to 1000%.


    Put a little effort into the post and *at least* specify the field, position, location, etc.



  2. What do you do? Where do you live, etc etc etc. You’re giving us very little info which says you’re not very detail oriented. Not a good look for someone asking for a raise.

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