Forgotten item

Hey guys,
Sooooo, as I was excited to write my trip report after spending 19 days in Japan, I unfortunately need to post on here for any help we can get >.<
My husband and I just returned from Japan and we forgot his favourite jacket in our last hotel room. Unfortunately the realisation hit us the moment we entered the plane heading back home. The moment we landed I called the hotel to ask if they found the jacket and they said yes. So I asked if they could Send it to us (obviously I would pay for the inconvenience etc) but they said we had to get our “own arrangements” to have it shipped back. I even emailed mitsui Garden if they could send it back but the mail was returned with the same information. So I googled if there was any company which picked up forgotten items and found one website where I sent an inquiry but it’s been two weeks and they didn’t contact me at all (I checked triple if the contact data I left on the website was right)… now I’m out of ideas and we don’t have family/ friends living in Japan who could pick it up for us…
The jacket happens to be nothing expensive but of emotional value… 🙁 long story short, does anyone have any ideas on how to get sth back from Tokio to Germany? Or is by ANY chance someone staying in Mitsui Garden hotel Ginza premier and would have the courtesy to drop it off at a post office >.< (I know that’s much to ask…).
Already sorry for the long text but I really want to try to get the jacket back ㅠ.ㅠ

The jacket is in a packet and on its way to Germany, thanks to a Redditor who picked it up and went to a Japan Post Office! Still can’t believe it. Thanks so much for your collective support 😭

  1. You may be able to find a japanese proxy who would be willing to do it. People typically use proxies to purchase items only available for purchase to locals. Most proxies do not offer in person pick up, but I have seen some offering services where they would go stand in line to buy exclusive items for you. You may have to look around to see if one of them offers that. You may have better luck with a private proxy, such as some fellow redditors on here who may offer those type of services. Good luck.

  2. Normally if you buy a shipping label/schedule a pickup time with a major JP carrier and send the label to them that will suffice.

    I work for hotels and when we get lost and found the guest pays for the label, we smack in on the package and wait for the designated carrier to pick it up.

  3. Hi, I live in Tokyo. So, if other option doesn’t work for you, maybe I can help. you can dm me.

  4. I get packages from Japan. Japan Post and DHL usually. Japan Post will be slower with DHL lightning fast on most occasions. Japan post will usually cost less and sometimes significantly so. A lot of post offices in Japan.

  5. Guys so Square_Marketing_234 actually went there and picked up the jacket 😭😭😭 love this community so so much thank you for all of your support!

  6. Hey I am living in Japan, but not in Tokyo. If you ran out of options, i’ll try to help from here.

  7. Seeing that you seem to be in Germany, there is a Facebook group called “Mitbringsel Weltweit” members have sorted similar problems there. Viel Glück!

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