Had a very strange interview today

I recently had a high pressure engineering job position interview in Tokyo, After realizing that it had insane deadlines I decided to kindly decline the job and the CEO lady interviewing me started crying. I didn’t know what to do and felt bad. I thought sending a text would be bad. I was never rough I just said ” I appreciate the opportunity but I feel I am not the right person for this job” should I have done something different?

  1. Nope, sounds like you were professional and honest. I’ve been told that as a hiring manager, and I appreciate being told as early as possible in the process, but any time along the way is fine. Better than having to see you quit.

    She’s clearly got her own stuff to deal with, so it sounds like you made a good decision.

  2. It sounds like you did everything that you should have done in this situation. It sounds like this CEO needs to find Jesus…..and a therapist.

  3. Nothing wrong from my perspective. I have held a couple of IT job interviews where the applicant told me they didn’t feel like they fit the role in the end. Hearing that feels great, like dodging a bullet before hiring them.

    Your interviewer was probably under a lot of stress. I think the best move is simply to be kind and understanding of the stress she’s going through, while standing by your decision.

  4. The CEO acting in that manner is a clear indication of the immense stress she is under to deliver results. If the person at the top of the pyramid is feeling it, just imagine what those further down the ranks are having to endure. You probably dodged a bullet.

  5. Try to never work for a small company. They lack the professionalism and embedded standards of conduct required to be a functional workplace.

  6. She’s trying to manipulate you bro. It’s good that you keep it professional and politely decline it

  7. Giant red flag. So big I would expect a chorus singing Les Mis to box step around it.

    They could have been tears of despair, but to cry during an interview as the interviewer is so unprofessional it makes me wonder if they were not an attempt at emotional manipulation – trying to guilt you into taking a toxic job.

  8. Dodged a bullet – if she cracked under the pressure of hiring a new employee imagine how much worse it could have been .

  9. Unsure if it’s normal, but when I hear stories like this I have an instant desire to try and unpick why the business/CEO is struggling and to try turn it around. I’d jump at the chance to get involved if the role was more senior, say 2IC to the CEO, and the challenge looked surmountable – assuming the industry/market looked receptive to it.

  10. Just be glad they were honest about the expectations and pressure right up front, most companies will just lie to your face about it not being that bad and then get upset when you’re not able to do everything perfectly from day 1.

  11. It seems like you dodged a Schwerer Gustav 800mm shell there.

    If that person was the actual CEO, and not just a highly unstable middle manager, then it doesn’t bode well for the stability and mental health of the business as a whole.

    It seems a bit harsh, but you owe these people nothing. Don’t feel bad about it.

  12. Smart move! You read the tea leaves correctly, friend! I once interviewed at a company and they made me take some crazy IQ test and then I had interview with the CTO. He was bragging about how they provided cots for people to sleep on when it came time to ship a product before deadline. The look on his face when I stopped the interview and told him that we were not a good fit for each other!!! If they have to provide cots it’s not a one off or rare thing!

  13. If the CEO was crying I wouldnt want to know wtf is going on in that place. You definitely avoided a bad situation right there.

    Also, can’t even begin to imagine how you must’ve felt.
    I’ve been to many interviews but that sure as hell never happened to me. Sounds like an old Monthy Python sketch.

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