Anxiety about leaving. Needing advice.

I’m leaving Japan in 2-3 months to move to Canada, but the situation is rather complicated and it’s giving me anxiety. I’m in the process of applying for Canada work permit, and my lawyer informed me that it would take approx 10 weeks from now. My new company is expecting me in December, or at the latest, January. As you can see, I don’t have a lot of time.

The most glaring problem is I will have to give a 30-day notice before I could quit my job. I can’t afford to do that if the work permit take 10 weeks or more. So I’m thinking about giving a preemptive notice roughly 4-6 weeks before the estimated time so that I could quit asap. But the problem is that my apartment is tied to my job so I’ll have to find a place to stay, preferably cheap, while waiting for the work permit to process, if it ends up taking longer than expected.

Other than that, I don’t know what I should start doing now, before quitting, and after quitting to get everything ready so that I could leave asap. I did some research to know what I should do before leaving, but I feel really overwhelmed with the time pressure, especially when everything seems to require a lot of time, and I have no way of knowing when the work permit processing will be done.

Here are a few things that I’ve figured out:

1. Hiring a cleaning service to clear out my room before the notice period ends.
2. Shipping things I want to keep. This can be done at any time.
3. Cancelling my internet contract about the same time I return my room.
4. Notifying the city that I’m leaving right after I know when I will leave, and appoint a tax rep at the same time.
5. Close my bank accounts after clearing them out.

Here are things I’m still not sure about

1. If the work permit takes longer than anticipated do I need to inform immigration that I’ve quit my job?
2. How should I go about ending my phone contract when it’s tied to everything? I probably still need it up till the day I leave. Can I just set up a predetermined cancellation date?
3. Can I apply for my pension lump sum pension payment after I’ve left?
4. Can I give an advance notice with no determined date, and quit as soon as my work permit is ready?

Other than these points, are there things I’m forgetting about? What else do I have to do?

If you can help with my concerns, or have any helpful advice, I would be very grateful.

1 comment
  1. They all look fine, except 1). Make sure your rental agreement doesn’t already have that fee included as part of your deposit. You could pay for cleaning twice if you’re not careful.

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