How to dispose bicycle?

I got old bicycle from coworker for free. And I don’t use it that much, it becoming burden to me.

I believe every bicycle has registered to someone. I just got it from him hand to hand and no registration transfer.

Can I sell it? Or should I pay money to dispose it? If so where should I go and how much it costs?

  1. Closest river available to you, according to locals.

    On a more serious note, search for 粗大ごみ(sodaigomi) and the name of your city, that’s how I got rid of mine.

  2. If it has some resale value, try that route.
    If not try your local silver recycling group, someone here will know the exact term for them, they restore old bikes for the local community.

  3. Not the best, but my ex actually just left his somewhere when he didn’t want it anymore (old and rusty). It got confiscated. He was sent notices it was collected, but just ignored. I assume it was eventually disposed of.

  4. The bicycle registration is only valid for 10 years. If the bicycle is over 10 years old, it will not be in the database.

  5. ASAHI bicycles takes bicycles for 1200¥. I’ve disposed three this way and they didn’t ask for registration paper.

  6. Please please please do not dump it in the river. This type of suggestion and follow up are what give us foreigners a bad name.

  7. Leave it unlocked near a station and someone drunk salaryman that missed the last train will take it for u

  8. I remember yesterday outside Donki there is a poster saying they take unwanted bicycles for free. Besides there are quite some bicycle shops are willing to take it for free.

  9. In my city, I booked it for soudai Gomi collection. It cost 400 yen. They didn’t care about the registration.

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