Foreign visitors to Japan hit 96% of pre-COVID level in September

Foreign visitors to Japan hit 96% of pre-COVID level in September

  1. I thought the article on raising train/bus fare was even more interesting and seems to tie in with this one. As a foreign resident here all the visitors can be annoying.

  2. That was 96%? Damn I wouldn’t want to live in Osaka. So much tourist there it was headache inducing

  3. 中国人はもう来なくても大丈夫そうだな。
    It looks like the Chinese don’t need to come here anymore.

  4. With Chinese visitors increasing, we’ll probably see something like +50% pre covid within the next few years.

  5. This was the plan all along, and why yen is so weak right now. Foreign tourism and investment as well as exports.

  6. Because Japan is a cheap country now. Becoming more and more like Thailand without the beaches. Even sex tourism is increasing.

  7. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – Nikkei Asia (B): [Foreign tourists in Japan recover to pre-COVID levels](
    – Reuters (A+): [Japan international visitors reach 96% of pre-COVID level in Sept](
    – Japan Today (B): [International visitors to Japan reach 96% of pre-COVID level in Sept](
    – Mainichi Shimbun (C+): [Sept. foreign entries to Japan at 2.2 mil., 96% of pre-pandemic level – The Mainichi](

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  8. Recently was in Kyoto for the first time in years, and it was shocking to me to see so many tourists. I mean, Kyoto always had a lot of them, but it felt overrun, like being in Rome’s historic center. I wandered up and down a street looking for a late night bite and every place turned me away, because they were fully booked. Jeez. I’m just going to tell people to visit someplace else like Kanazawa.

  9. Is it still primarily Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto that are getting overrun with tourists? I’ve got a trip to Kyushu coming up next month and hoping the crowd levels are bearable.

  10. not being racist in any way but i hate how loud chinese/koreans speak, gets right on my tits. Why can’t they speak normally.

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