How should I have students pay for English Class?

Quick Question: How should I have students pay for my English Class?

Backstory: I decided to start my own evening classes. I created a flyer that states the objectives, pricing and location but I’m not really sure how the students should pay. If there is anyone who has experience starting their own classes , please feel free to share any info that could be helpful.

Thank you in advance!

  1. Well, I mean your choices seem to be cash or bank draft. A martial arts class I took decades ago handed out a little envelope with your name and what you owed and had previous months stamped on it. Kids classes (like dance/piano/calligraphy) you do a bank deposit before the 25th every month.

    As for the frequency, that would depend on whether you are charging by the individual class/monthly/weekly/every blood moon.

  2. When I did private tutoring I gave envelopes to my adult students during our trial lesson if they agreed to continue with me, they put cash in the envelope and handed it over at the end of every lesson. I did also offer to let them pay by deposit into my bank account but every student preferred to pay with cash and I didn’t mind it either.

  3. Cash in advance for the month. Determine your refund policy (if any) now. I wrote receipts for my students, but never got receipts from the dance and piano classes my kids took.

    Providing an envelope with the amt owed, and a place to put a smiley stamp when paid is a nice touch.

    BTW, most lessons I’ve been involved in have been four times a month. If there’s a fifth Monday or whatever, it’s a day off for you and your students.

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