Need advice about a fellow teacher dating a student

I work at a small private high school in Tokyo. I just heard from one of the female Japanese teachers that one of the male teachers asked a female student out on a date and went out with her two times. The teacher who told me this said the vice-principal knows about it, and some of the other teachers know about it, but nothing is being done. I can’t believe he didn’t get fired or at least put on probation right away. What should I do?

EDIT: It’s a high school.

EDIT 2: Thanks for all the advice. I spoke with the teacher who told me about it, and I suggested that we go together to talk to the principal. She agreed, so I will post a follow-up letting you all know what happens.

EDIT 3: I just want to give a general response to the comments here. Yes, I have posted here before about whether I should get involved with bullying problems at my school. Bullying is another issue that my school likes to ignore. I didn’t speak up in those situations because of the advice I got here that it was not my place to do so. However, in this case I think I will at least check what is going on with the higher-ups. I’m going to talk to the head of my department today and then possibly the VP and then the principal with the other teacher as planned (depending on what the head of my department says today). The teacher who told me about it is off today anyway.

EDIT 4: I just got word from the teacher who told me about this that this is actually the SECOND time this teacher has dated a student, and he is being protected by the VP. She thinks the principal doesn’t know about it. She has mentioned other teachers that are upset about it, but no one is doing anything.

EDIT 5: The teacher who told me about all this has now clarified that she wants me to go with her to talk to the head teacher because the other teachers have all given up on the situation. They all have gotten into the mindset that upper management won’t do anything to help. She thinks I’m the only one who will support her in standing up against this teacher.

  1. It doesn’t matter if it’s legal or not – it’s grossly unprofessional. I would definitely take the matter to the local Board of Education.

  2. Anecdotally I’ve heard from a friend that he and a small group of his classmates went to a Karaoke place with their High School teacher while in High School. There was no romance involved.

    Are you absolutely certain that there is zero miscommunication and that the teacher and student are going out romantically? Also, what do your peers (other teachers at the school) have to say about it?

  3. Legality and morality aside, if he teaches her directly then that seems like a conflict of interest. If other students know about the relationship (and let’s be real, they know), then that teacher had better prepare for a storm of “You only give her good grades because she lets you touch her boobies.”

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