Switching from Eikaiwa to Jet

Hey everyone. I’ve recently been talking to AEON about a teacher position in Japan. I’ve basically got it and about to sign the contact. That said i would prefer to work for the JET program. I’ve heard it’s hard to transfer from an Eikaiwa position to the Jet program. My main concern with my AEON Is that I’ll be the only foreigner working in the school. The hours seem rough too. I would just apply for JET instead but they don’t start hiring until the end of the year and I’ve the chances of getting in are about 1 in 4. What would you do?

  1. If you’re desperate to get into Japan now, go for the eikaiwa. I wouldn’t say it’s ideal though.

    JET applications open in October or November, I believe, but if you got a position you likely wouldn’t be leaving for Japan until summer 2024.

    I do know one person who switched from another teaching job to JET while living in Japan, but it was when the borders were closed and JET couldn’t bring anyone from abroad. I’m not sure how common it is.

  2. You have to be in your home country I believe to apply for jet for the interviews etc.

  3. I had a great time with AEON. I’d take an egg in hand for two birds in a bush. The JET application is a slog and too many uncertainties and takes over half a year. FYI, after several years away from Japan and my AEON position, I applied to JET and was upgraded from alternate to accepted/shortlisted. AEON is mostly teaching adults and high school kids thru an AEON curriculum, and mostly evenings. I had plenty of time for short trips, exploring, etc. JET will be assisting in teaching for elementary, middle school or high school in a rural area. So pretty different from AEON in the city. Consider which you prefer. Best of luck.

  4. Even on JET, you could be the only foreigner at your school(s) and even your placement. Having a co-JET(s) is a possibility but not guaranteed. You could have other JETs and ALTs who live in the area but its ESID.

  5. just curious, why JET over other options? What is it about this program that has your attention?

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