Advice regarding internet?

Hi! I would like some insight regarding getting rid of my Hikari chura wifi.
I currently have Hikari through AU, and it is about 7000 yen a month. However, I am being pressured by all these instagram influencers to just use Rakuten mobile for 3000 yen a month and use hotspot lol.
Does anyone know any demerits on losing hikari?
If not, I will be canceling the crap out of my wifi.

If it helps, I work from home, so the internet is essential

Thank you in advance!

  1. Mobile data even when “unlimited” is always subject to and covered by “fair use policy”. If you work from home and need to download a lot, or use a lot of data, there’s absolutely no reason you should dump your hikari line. This especially applies true if you play online games – the latency of mobile data will kill you.

    Fair use policy applies if you use above a certain gb threshhold within a certain time period – not sure about rakuten mobile but lets say for example 10gb within 24 hours. Anything above that and your mobile data speed will slow to a crawl until the expriy of that 24 hour period.

    However, I also don’t recommend contracting your hikari with one of the big 3 providers as they are quite expensive monthly. Rakuten hikari for example is 4180 yen per month.

  2. Can’t beat wired internet. In terms of stability and speed, mobile WiFi is not recommended for heavy internet usage(streaming, downloading large files etc). There is also the possibility that the signal within the walls of your apartment is not strong enough.

    4000yen a month is a significant difference though, up to you if the saving is worth the potential hassle.

  3. If you have Docomo hikari, you can sign up for their Irumo mobile carrier for 880 yen a month, if the ads are to be believed, so you can save money that way.

  4. I use mobile wifi as my only internet. Mine is through Edion, so it may be different than Rakuten.

    It’s atrocious! Speed is throttled if I go over 10GB over a 3 day period, with the size of downloads these days that’s not hard at all. Even at full speed it’s pretty slow though. The connection is dodgy and often cuts out. Really annoying when I just want to watch some Netflix and it takes 20 mins to start. The mobile part of it is good at least though. Honestly think I get a better connection on the train/walk to work than I do at home. I guess depending where you live you may geta better connection than I have, but definitely something to look into beforehand if you rely on the internet to work from home.

    Main reason I haven’t just gotten regular wired home internet is laziness.

  5. You’re better off staying with AU hikari. Cancelling can get very expensive if you still haven’t paid off the initial set up fees. Unless it changed recently, they also ding you for line removal fees (another 3万 approx) upon cancellation.

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