Discuss the state of the teaching industry in Japan with your fellow teachers! Use this thread to discuss salary trends, companies, minor questions that don’t warrant a whole post, and build a rapport with other members of the community.
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The more I think about it the more I feel like for university work, the PhD is going to be needed in the near future for the regular five year contracts. Or else you’re going to have to have a really distinguished track record. So many people I talk to on these contracts are already on or have finished a PhD program.
The old Japanese office standoff: two bags of sweets, each with one item left. They will remain untouched for the next month.
Is there any researcher that talks about salience from the perspective of the receiver? Most SLA definitions seem to go with how X stands out in the environment but this changes depending on whatever is receiving the signal.
Has anyone had issues Johnny’s and J-pop given the current situation. There is a large number of kids who listen to J-pop in class with different activities and personal questions seems really hard to avoid the issue. If you ask anything related to music more than likely some kid is gonna mention Johnny’s. Up until now I just kind a sidestepped it by not using it in material I distribute and just letting the kids say whatever but I am hoping Johnny’s slowly gets used less as a signifier for J-pop.