Horrible nightmare neighbor from hell. (Update)

Hey everyone!

Thank you for the advice on my last post. We got together to contact the police, city, property management company, or whoever we thought might help and… things got better! The whole neighborhood was demanding something happen. Things went quiet, save for a couple really quick outbursts, but, that’s definitely forgivable. They were in the day, and I definitely make some noise during the day with power tools.

For a few days, though, we hadn’t seen her come or go and it was concerning, since she really seems to have mental illness. BUT she was spotted just a couple days ago at Family Mart reading a newspaper and chatting on her phone. Was anyone on the other line? Dunno.

She was smiling. Seems she was dressed in some fairly nice-looking clean clothes but nothing fancy.

Some people whom I think might be from the property management company came today, which prompted this update. They were knocking on her door for a while, but my neighbor was out. I’d like to think this lady got some help. She seems like a nice lady now. Hopefully she keeps herself on this path and nothing bad happens to her.

Thank you guys for the advice. I’m hoping this is the last post and a happy ending.

  1. > For a few days, though, we hadn’t seen her come or go and it was concerning, since she really seems to have mental illness. BUT she was spotted just a couple days ago at Family Mart reading a newspaper and chatting on her phone. Was anyone on the other line? Dunno.
    She was smiling. Seems she was dressed in some fairly nice-looking clean clothes but nothing fancy.

    That’s what mental illness is. It reminds me of a friend who is well-educated, sweet and kind, but can’t hold down a job or live a normal life because she gets committed a few times a year

  2. I’m really hoping something actually changed. but keep in mind that many mental illnesses can come in waves. hopefully she’s not just in a good phase of her illness and will fall back eventually. sorry for sounding pessimistic, but you should just consider the possibility.

  3. Sounds like she was just off her meds.

    The problem is that having and being aware of a mental illness and willingness to take and/or belief in the effectiveness of modern medications isn’t correlated. You can get people with serious mental illness who believe medications are somehow harming them and will try not to take them if they can avoid it.

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