Mamachari bike won’t hold air after attempting to pump.

So I moved to Japan 2 weeks ago and have been biking on a Mamachari. Today, I decided to pump up one of the tires not knowing how the valve worked. I unscrewed the bolt-looking part and a ton of air shot and the pieces went flying out. I found them and attempted to put them back in, but no air held in the tire. The tire shouldn’t be damaged at all, so I think its just the valve. Any ideas on what I can do?

Photos: [When I try to screw it all back on](

[Valve piece](

  1. Probably just need to replace the smart rubber tube on the valve piece. Can buy from 100Â¥ shop

  2. Most bicycles in Japan use an English valve (aka Woods valve / Dunlop valve).

    If you do a quick google search for it, you should be able to find pictures that will help you figure out if you’re missing any parts, and/or how to put it all back together.

    If all else fails, you can usually find a replacement valve at a 100-yen shop; or just bring it into a nearby bicycle shop.

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