Rakuten Mobile Unlimited Plan reviews

Most of the reviews of Rakuten Mobile’s unlimited data plan are old, I was wondering if things have changed. Any thoughts from current users?

How is the speed?
How much have you usually had to pay? Min and max


  1. > How much have you usually had to pay? Min and max

    Doesn’t that completely depend on how much data you use and nothing else? It’s a tiered plan.

  2. I use my phone as a hotspot at work and live in the Inaka. It’s not perfect but it’s not noticeably spotty or anything. I go to Tokyo about once a month and usually have no issues there. I usually end up paying around 2000 yen per month or whatever the cost for that tier is I forget.

  3. I’ve used it living in cities and occasionally visiting more rural places, no issues. I very occasionally have to pay an extra couple yen if I make a call through the regular phone app instead of their voice app, but other than that I pay what’s advertised.

  4. Speed is fine, coverage is dogshit. Only reason I haven’t switched is laziness and the fact it’s only like 1000 yen per month.

  5. Avid rakuten user here. 😅 I live in Sapporo.I’m using it as mobile data/hotspot. I don’t even have a home WiFi since the connection is so good. recently summited Daizetszan and had full bars even in the top. it’s always 4g/5g here speeds are pretty good. can stream anything without lagging. don’t know if it’s enough for gaming ( ping ). usually paying around 3000¥-3500¥ monthly. I always use around 160-200GB every month. can’t complain at all this is cheap and worth it.


  6. I use a lot of data so I pay 2000 – 3000, but the coverage is definitely not as good as other providers.

  7. I don’t live in a major city, but the speeds are fine and no reception issues. It had some weak spots in Tokyo when I was out there, but overall it is usable. I recently got into the Rakuten eco system, so I use my Rakuten points to pay my monthly bill.

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