Weekly Complaint Thread – 19 October 2023

It’s the weekly complaint thread! Time to get anything off your chest that’s been bugging you or pissing you off.

Remain civil and be nice to other commenters (even try to help).

* No politics
* No complaints about users of JapanLife

  1. Why is everyone in this country so painfully slow? Everyone glued to their phone while walking in slow-mo. Bonus points if it’s a group of people making it impossible to overtake them.

  2. – ✨ depression and hopelessness ✨ I don’t believe in myself.

    – having to travel 10km to the nearest mental hospital every time I need to refill my meds

    – food prices

    – tired

  3. I like working from home and all but I also miss having coworkers around to bullshit with. Thankfully coworkers from my previous company keep staying in touch

    2nd complaint: I forgot to buy garlic

  4. Annoyed by the 2 days I need to go to the office in a week as I take about 1.5 hours of commute door to door (one way), but 40 mins of those is walking and I badly need the physical activity outside of cycling on weekends. On the fence to move near the office really as I like this current job.

  5. My complaint:


    I found a couple of jobs I was really interested in:

    For the first one, I got rejected because I have only ~3 years of experience and they want someone with 5+, despite me meeting and or exceeding all the other requirements (which almost never happens).

    So, fuck companies and recruiters who consider YoE as a must have and show no flexibility at all.

    The second rejection is even more egregious. I get to the first interview. Mindless HR drone is like:

    We are looking for someone who can use [looks at her notes] AWS Aurora. Have you any experience with it?

    Me: no, but I manage a pretty large PostgreSQL database daily and I’m no stranger to AWS and its main services. I can brush up the cmd line commands and the gui tools to set up/manage aurora and be up to speed in a couple of days.

    Moron from HR: yeah, nah yeah. Hard pass.

  6. Tokyo seems to be getting dirtier and people are noisier and noisier with phone calls, videos, music etc. playing loudly on their phones. Foreigners are the main culprits, but some Japanese people are doing the same. And some nationalities just seem to love having loud phone conversations, on speaker, outside my fucking building. Go away!

  7. If you wear a heat tech long sleeve shirt, it’s too hot! But if you wear a normal one, it’s a bit cold!!

  8. Went on a bus tour last weekend. Tour itself was fine. I had fun.

    But there were a bunch of rude tourists that soured the experience a bit. A few tourists who were late for the bus pickup time because they were busy buying coffee at the stand nearby. A tourist who, for some reason, decided to take their video call IN THE BUS and proceeded to have a 5 minute loud conversation until the bus driver had to politely ask the person to quit it. A few tourists who decided to go off trail during the guided tour, then got lost, so we ended up wasting 30 minutes waiting for the tour guide to find them.

  9. Discovering that a good chunk of my mental wellbeing depends on having tree branches above my head when I am walking on a street.

  10. I got through the busiest, most stressful part of the year at work without getting sick or injured. in fact, I got incredibly good sleep because I was just so tired that I would KO every night, which rarely ever happens.

    however, now that things are relatively chill, my period took me out worse than usual and I’m getting stress-induced cold sores, and my sleep is back to being shit.

  11. Has anyone else noticed that Tokyo is just becoming dirtier and more run-down?

    I got on the train the other day and it was just…filthy. Like they didn’t vacuum it for for a few weeks. There were old stains that were not even wiped up.

    Are the train companies cutting costs by cleaning less?

    I’ve also noticed a lot of the parks and greenery around my area have become overgrown jungles. One small community park around the corner has the grass up to my knees.

    In all my years here, I’ve never seen it so neglected.

  12. Been a year and I still despise the Keikyu schedule change. We’ve been cut services, number of cars per train, and last train is sooner. They never sorted trains clashing at the level crossing, and it takes 15 minutes extra to get to the airport. And the prices went up.

  13. An elderly neighbour stopped us on our walk today to say how nice it is my son looks like his Japanese father and not his gaikokujin mother. My son is one year old. So it begins….

  14. Shoulder to shoulder insanely packed train. Someone stepped on my shoes. They were white shoes 😫

  15. Considering Japan is not even in the top 10 countries visited by tourists, and considering the economy partially recovered due to tourism, this country complains way too much about foreign tourists.

    “How can we make more money from foreign countries?”

    “Let’s The Olympics!”

    “Let’s The Premium Campaign!”

    Tourism numbers go up.

    “Oh, no. We are not able to actually accommodate this increase in numbers!”

    Seriously, what the fuck did they think would happen?

    Now they are talking about charging foreign tourists more on trains. How about charging non-commuting passengers on rush hour trains more instead? The ones who have no clue how to line up properly or behave like a homo sapien on public transport?

  16. I’m as guilty as anyone of being fixated on my phone while riding the train, but once I leave the train, the phone goes straight into the pocket or bag.

    Is this not common practice? It’s amazing the amount of idiots who meander down flights of stairs eyes still glued to their Netflix or smartphone game.

    It’s not just annoying having to dodge them, it’s really fucking dangerous. Also people riding bicycles with earphones in and eyes glued to a smartphone.

  17. People taking way too long at the ATM. Lemme withdraw money and leave! Why do you need 1h to transfer money or doing god knows what??!

  18. A workmate sits behind me, he coughs his lungs out since Tuesday. So I m thinking “since he is coming to work, I hope he is wearing a mask”

    Oh fuck yeah he does, on his chin.

  19. I have another complaint.

    Japanese vocabulary doesn’t wanna stick. I have to read a word like 100 times to have a vague idea of it to recall later. Grammar is fine. It’s fun even. I view like a little puzzle where I put a word here, this phrase there and I complete the puzzle that makes a sentence! Random words I need to know? Just blank

  20. Stocked up on our regular brand of nappys/diapers during an Amazon sale where they were ridiculously cheap. Nice, right?

    But then they arrived. The driver absolutely reeked of cigarettes and so did the boxes, left them on the balcony all day but the smell is still overwhelming. Cracked open a box and the packaging is also covered in the smell.

    Already complained to Amazon, they’re sending a fresh batch and instructed us to bin the current ones, which seems so wasteful, but they’re gross and the kids asthmatic so I don’t want to keep them around either.

    I don’t care if people smoke, but smoking in the delivery van is disgusting. Standards really fell off a cliff once they started using lowest bid contractors again rather than the big 3 shipping companies.

  21. I just found that NTT SFP ONU (三菱) does not work with my Mikrotik RB5009. My plan is ruined. The link is up. However, there is no RX traffic at all. It seems I need to use an optical media converter.

  22. My complaint is that this week there are so many repetitive complaints in here are about people staring at their phones.

  23. Owning a car wash has got to be one of the most lucrative businesses in Kagoshima. Just yesterday I took my car through a car wash after work and woke up to find a light dusting of ash on my car yet again this morning…

  24. Doing a bit of self-reflection after the “arrogant friend” thread from the other day. The description hit a little too close to home with one or two people I know.

    Also, a few of the people in my network, especially the ones who came right before corona and stuck around longer than expected because of it, are starting to enter the grumpy/resentful towards Japan phase. On one hand I wish there was more I could do, on they other I doubt their attitudes will reverse at this point. I’ll just let them ride out their time here. It’s just a bit depressing to be around.

  25. Dominos Japan doesn’t have jalapeno bacon cheesy bread, or any cheesy bread for they matter.

  26. Bento box will increase price again next month. Went from 350 to 380 last year, will go to 410 in December.

  27. So the new job I started a month ago (after 7 months of searching) is turning up to be a mistake.

    Their infra is from 2006 and full of problems that spawn from that, and lets not get started about security.

    So a dream place for me, I’m good at un-fucking this kind of stuff and the position reflects to that… but the director who’s been building this for the last 14 years has been blocking pretty much every improvement project. Even the small things that would reduce toil from the first line ops people.

    I guess it’s back to searching. At least I’m employed this time.

  28. Got put in Reddit jail for 3 days because I told someone I’d kill them if what they’d just replied to me was a spoiler on the Jujutsu Kaisen sub LMAO :(((( it was my own fault though, I know!

  29. Its not even cold yet the trains already shut off their aircon?? And when is it not flu season in japan? Ppl coughing and sneezing all around all year long

  30. Been feeling progressively worse for weeks. Coughing, sneezing, headaches, migraines. Thought it was a bad cold but meds didn’t help. Went to an ENT this week and she said it’s an allergy to something. Received two meds which did nothing for two days. Went back today and also got a nasal spray. No improvement so far after using that at lunchtime. Temperature is slightly higher than usual at 37.1.
    I’ve never had something last weeks like this with no improvement. I know it’s not a big problem in the grand scheme, but it’s frustrating and tiring.

  31. Me: “Sweet I got home early-ish today! Can’t wait to play games!”

    Brain fog and sleepiness: “Hi hello.”

  32. cant stop eating…. so much that i gained one kilos in a span of one week. trying to eat lesser but the urge to eat more is still strong

  33. Adopted a new cat that was a street cat before.

    Edit: It’s a cat that I got through an adoption agency that has all it’s shots and bloodwork checked and is microchipped, not a random stray cat I found on the street.

    It is not getting along with my cat and all it wants to do is go outside.

    It somehow learned how to unlatch one of the locks (the pull down kind) on one of my windows AND open the sliding window itself, and it escaped from the second floor bedroom window.

    I noticed the open window and I immediately ran outside and looked for it and found it around the other side of the block and then realized that I completely forgot to bring my cat cage as I panicked and just ran out the front door.

    So I was like fuck it and just picked it up with my arms.

    It immediately started fighting to get out of my arms but I had to carry it back to my house so I ran with it around the corner of my block back towards my house.

    As I turn the corner there was a Japanese couple taking a stroll down the street towards me that sees this white dude (me) run around the corner straight towards them and run straight past them with this cat screaming and fighting in my arms to get away, which is probably the most random thing they’ve ever seen in their life and they will most likely remember it until they are old. It was like something out of a comedy movie…

    Anyway. I somehow make it to my front door and the cat jumps out of my arms into the genkan and immediately ran upstairs.

    Me coming out of a state of shock look down at both my arms and I am…….. bleeding everywhere.

    Like BLOOD EVERYWHERE. On my shirt. On my pants. Running down my arms….

    I bandaged my arms up but now I have multiple looooooong cuts running down both of my arms that literally looks like I am purposefully harming myself.

    So embarrassing.

    So now I’m wearing long sleeves for the rest of the year.

    How was your Wednesday?

  34. Why does my station only have one set of stairs, at one end of the platform only. I have never seen such a poorly designed station. It takes almost as long to ride the train as it does to queue down the stairs to the gates.

    Its an extremely busy station, would it kill them to chuck another set of stairs in.

  35. The orange Chuo line platform at Shinjuku station is very narrow. It’s a little frustrating to be in a giant crowd on a narrow platform and look to the next platform over, which is wide and has very few people. I hope this platform gets the safety walls.

  36. I am so done with the women who will stand on a train but not hold on to a strap that’s readily available. There is nothing kawaii or delicate about them. Only entitled uselessness and no core control.

  37. Wow, I couldn’t donate blood because I lived in England the previous century! Updated my blood donation card, took my weight (talk about degrading…) and about three dozen questions in I got disqualified because I used to live in England. Because England had mad cow disease like 40 fucking years ago that is a disqualifier.

    Seriously WTF! No wonder there are blood shortages. I used to donate in Okinawa and it was never a problem. They are like, “Are you dead? No. Okay lets do this.”

  38. Was walking back from the local grocery store with my wife and this おじいさん on his bike sideswiped my grocery bag while riding in the sidewalk, didn’t look back or apologize.

  39. This month I keep getting onto earlier buses and they keep arriving later and later to the station. Getting on that bus last month would leave me with 20min leeway and now I can barely make it before the train leaves. People just take too much damn time getting on and off with those big ass suitcases.

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