Kishida mulling income tax cut to win over public as ratings dive | The Asahi Shimbun

Kishida mulling income tax cut to win over public as ratings dive | The Asahi Shimbun

  1. A [temporary]( income tax cut isn’t going to help at all with the rising price of daily goods. It wouldn’t even offset the other tax *increases* that [he’s planning](

    And speaking of ratings, [new polling]( shows that the Kishida Cabinet only has a 10.3% approval rate with the 18~29 year old age group.

  2. And so the LDP continues its goal of cutting income tax and replacing it with consumption tax in order to shift taxes from the wealthy to the poor…

  3. Just cut taxes before the election and then increase them afterwards. The tale as old as time with the LDP

  4. why income tax? that would benefit rich people much more than poor people. but I guess that’s exactly the plan, win over both the rich and also the poor who are too dumb to do math. the conservative playbook.

  5. Has he tried *raising* the income tax, and blaming it on foreigner man technical trainee intern fellas? It’s not like they can answer back.

  6. Yes fund society off the backs of the poor and struggling even more on top of the ticket hikes on weekends.

    You’d think the LDP hates the overwhelmingly Japanese local populace with some of these decisions.

  7. Reminds me of the game Tropico 4. If you did a real shit job you could pass tax cuts to get an better chance at winning the election. But it got real expensive real fast, so was only to be used if you fumbled the ball really badly

  8. this wont do anything to make the millenials and zoomers like the dude

    if it doesn’t have to do with making strict labor laws (in favor of the employee) increasing minimum wage, etc, this dude needs to just not consider it

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