What Side gigs I can do?

My question is to part timers. The recent inflation and taxes drained my bank account. I only teach part time in the afternoons. I don’t want to go full time due to it’s long hours, prison like system and low salary . I’ve tried it before and failed coz it burned me out.
So, what kind of side gigs I can do legally under my visa status?

  1. ? Well … maybe you could mention what visa you have.

    Generally do something that you’re good at, lots of poorly paid piece work gigs doing things like transcribing, etc.

  2. >long hours, prison like system and low salary

    So all full-time jobs are like this? Japan is doomed

  3. I assume you are teaching at an Eikaiwa or Juku or private?



    Occupation which requires knowledge in the field of Natural Science, engineering and information processing:

    Software Engineer | System Engineer | Computer Programmer | Game Programmer | Project Manager or developer in the field of IT, software, computer, technology, science, architecture, bio technology, construction, automobile etc. | Automobile Engineer | Architect etc.


    Occupation which requires knowledge in the field of Social Science and Humanities:

    Accounting | Economic analyst | Financial analyst | HR (Human Resources) or Personnel management | Legal business | Consultant for business, planning, strategy, management etc. | Trading business | Store management, Inventory management, Quality management | Product Development | Sales and marketing position | Public Relations etc.


    Occupation which requires thought and sense based on culture, language and background of foreign countries outside Japan:

    Teacher and instructor of foreign language | Translator/Interpreter | International PR (Public Relations) | Fashion or interior design deriving from foreign countries | International product development | Overseas transactions/trading | Copywriting relating to international services etc.

  4. You can make decent money from photography here.
    I do photography and videography as a side job and make an extra 2-3 million a year.

  5. More classes? I work half the hours of full time on nearly double what I did. I keep my fees high for privates so I only get serious students.

  6. Figure out what you’re good at. Then go do it. Do you have any skills that fall under your visa category? No? Then nothing.

    Edit: my apologies. I’ve just gotten so bored with this subreddit lately.

    What people usually do is they take skills/knowledge they have and use that to make money on the side.

    For example, I know somebody who majored in music at university. So they have a part time teaching job and then work as a composer on the side for extra money.

    Some people come here on spousal visas. They have few options besides teaching. So they use their spousal visa and other skills to do other things on the side.

    You did not list any skills or hobbies in your post. We can’t help you if we don’t know what you are capable of doing.

  7. “So, what kind of side gigs I can do legally under my visa status?”

    Do note you didn’t tell us… anything… about your visa.

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