Residence Card, taxes, and leaving Japan for less than a year.

I am on a spouse visa, my wife is Japanese. We’ve been married a long time with kids but we were living in the US. We just arrived in Japan and got my residence card and certificate of residence / jyuminho.

However, my Employer, US Government Agency, decided to put me on a temporary assignment before transitioning to full remote work so I need to return to the US for about 6 months. So I will only have been in Japan for less than a month and no work was done for my agency while here .

All my pay goes to a US bank and nothing has or will be sent over to Japan until 2024, so will I have any tax liability in Japan? I believe I would be categorized as non-permanent resident so only Japan-sourced income is taxed, correct?

Is there anything I need to do about my certificate of registry / jyuminho?


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