

  1. If they’re good at their job… it’s reasonable. You can do it yourself but… you can also fuck it up. It would be relatively cheaper to do yourself, but the piping will run you 1万 or so per unit. Accounting for their time and assurance that they won’t fuck it up… 25000/unit seems reasonable to me. It’s going to take them roughly the same amount of time per unit anyway, economies of scale don’t really help in this case.

  2. If you don’t have 隠蔽配管 then that’s kind of pricey, but not unreasonable.

    You can install yourself, but it’s not very hard to fuck it up or damage your drywall etc., plus you will need some tools that you might not have. It can also take hours to do if you’re doing it the first time and you’ll probably need a second person to help.

  3. エアコン取付費用は部屋の大きさによって変わります。~14畳ぐらいは25000円で普通かと思います。

  4. Rule of thumb when subcontracting work is to ask at least 3 places for quotations so that you can have an idea for a going price. 100k is a little bit expensive, but if they install everything perfectly then it will be worth it compared to finding someone cheap and them fucking up.

    Best advice is find a reputable contractor, ask how the process usually goes, and make them show you samples of their work.

    AFAIK usual shokunin-san (plumbing/HVAC) daily rate is 10k-15k, so if if materials are not included, my estimate is that their profit will be around 10k-20k, up to 40k if they can finish the job in 1 day.

    Personally I will give them that 40k profit if they can assure that the installation is perfect and I won’t have to worry about the airconditioning for the next 5-10 years.

  5. 情報不足のため信ぴょう性がある回答を得られないと思います。エアコンの設置費用に色々と考慮に入れなければならない項目があります。エアコンの大きさ、取り付け場所、配管や電圧等に必要な準備工事等。ざっくり言いますと普通の8~12畳ぐらいのエアコンで余計な準備不要であれば2万円前後が妥当じゃないでしょうか。条件によって4台10万円というのはむしろ安価かもしれません。

  6. pretty 3xpensive. we got 1 installed for 1.8万. you’d expect some kind of bulk discount for 4

  7. Seems reasonable.

    I imagein if you’re installing 4 units, it must be a rather large house. So you shouldn’t have to worry about the price so much.

    Unless it’s a share house, in which case… the landlord should manage this

  8. これは私の個人的な意見ですが、私のエアコンはアマゾンで10万円ぐらいを購入しました。さらにエアコンの設置の値段も払いました。つまり13万円をかかりました。エアコン4台設置が10万円ほど、ちょっと高い過ぎると思います。設置の値段は交渉出来ますか?

  9. 5台で9万ぐらいかかった、結晶、高所作業、配管延長とか全部含めて。

  10. 複数の業者から見積もりをもらってください。

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