What are your favourite / most scenic train rides you have ever taken here?

Bonus points for recommendations that give beautiful winter views

  1. For winter views, you’re probably looking at the Soya Line or the Tadami Line (Joetsu Shinkansen to Urasa -> Joetsu Line to Koide -> Tadami Line to Aizuwakamatsu).

    Other favourites include the Iida, Izu, Hakodate, and Nemuro lines, and of course the good old Tokaido Line in the Odawara-Atami stretch. The Marine Liner from Okayama to Takamatsu is also worth a go IMO.

  2. It’s already quite well-known, but the Enoden going along the coast of Kanagawa is always a beautiful ride.

  3. For winter, I suggest the kotatsu train on the Sanriku railway from Miyako to Kuji in Iwate. Iwate has a lot to do in winter and beautiful scenery. I go every year to see my in-laws!

  4. Not really purposely scenic but I like the Hinotori ride between Osaka and Nagoya. I take it anytime I’m not in a rush. The big windows and small towns we pass are very calming, especially for an early morning ride.

  5. It’s fairly remote, but the Hanawa line in Iwate is one of the most beautiful out there. It goes through rural Japan with fields, mountains and forests and looks brilliant in nearly all seasons. The fall foliage is jaw-dropping, and in the winter they put a snow plow on the front and it goes right through the deep snow of the mountains.

    For something closer to Tokyo, the Romance Car on the Odakyu is quite nice. I think it’s reserved seats only.

  6. The Nankai line from Namba in Osaka to Koyasan is quite beautiful, though not a winter spot per se.

  7. Suigun Line From Mito, Ibaraki to Daigo, Yamatsuri and Koriyama in Fukushima during Koyo. The whole area along the Kuji River is stunning.

  8. December 29 2020 headed to Kanazawa then Noto Island. We didn’t realize there was a snowstorm approaching.

    Anyway, somewhere in Shiga, en route to Kanazawa, our train went through a couple of tunnels across the mountains. One section was still autumn with red and orange leaves, then 30 seconds later on the other side of the mountain it was all white with snow.

    Before: [https://i.imgur.com/6FAEvG1.png](https://i.imgur.com/6FAEvG1.png)
    After 30 seconds: [https://i.imgur.com/rNS15M3.png](https://i.imgur.com/rNS15M3.png)

    And I don’t know if this counts or if it snows there often, but Kenroku-en 兼六園 is a huge park and when it snows, it looks really amazing. There’s a teahouse next to a waterfall too.

  9. I’m not sure if this totally counts, but if you go to Kurobe Onsen they have a tour of a train maintenance facility where you get to see the trains, and then they take you out for a ride over the gorge on an old wooden bridge. Very fun for any train fan!

  10. During momijigari, the Watarase Keikoku, starting in Kiryu, north-eastern Gunma, has an absolutely stunning ride as it goes up the mountains along a river/gorge, before ending up at the edge of Nikko.

  11. From Itamo to ito, theres a panoramic train were you can enjoy the sea and the landscape for the ride

  12. Aso-boy from Kumamoto to Beppu was definitely a highlight for me cutting through Kyushu. Especially if you can get a seat in the panoramic car.

  13. The koumi line from Kobuchizawa is a pretty cute little train with a good view of yatsugatake and nice forests.

    The Ooito line going north past Hakuba is a lovely valley and eventually goes out to the sea

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